The Cheat Sheets
These XLS and PDF forms are intended to help a Woodlot Licencee assemble the information required for common FTA and RESULTS
submissions. Whether you are doing it yourself on-line, using WLGML, or using a service provider, it helps to have a guide to
what you need before you start, and it can really help to control costs.
CP_FTA - Application to FTA for a conventional Cutting Permit
You wanted 1 CP? See the WLGML manual here
SU_n_OPENING_to_RESULTS - Step 1: Opening and Standards Unit Report to RESULTS
Harvest - Step 2: Reporting Harvest Disturbance to On-Line RESULTS
FORCOV_to_RESULTS - Step 3: Forest Cover Report to RESULTS
Planting - Step 4: Reporting Planting Activity to On-Line RESULTS